
Welcome to Ms. Brennan's general psychology blog! Here you will find basic text copies of the assignments we have completed in class. You can also find helpful links to outside resources and review exercises for tests!

About Me

Hello. My name is Jen Brennan. I have a B.S.E. in Secondary Social Studies Education and a M.S. in HR/Educational Leadership. My favorite subjects to learn and teach include psychology, sociology, early American history, and medieval European history.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Updated Locations!

Please find a newly updated form for our class. Look under "Assignments" to find classwork, cloze notes, study guides and lab instructions.

Do not work ahead! Many assignments are done in class-working ahead denies you the benefits of the in class discussion and working with your cooperative learning groups. This is a tool for students who have been absent or have lost or forgotten their materials, as well as for parents to see what is going on in the classroom

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

General Psych Syllabus

General Psychology Syllabus and Course Expectations
Ms. Jennifer Brennan
Phone: 240-236-7461      Room: 207

Materials for course: Writing utensil, highlighters, notebook, binder
Textbook: Psychology and You (McMahon and Romano)-Provided by instructor
                The purpose of this Psychology course is to introduce students to the study of behavior and mental processes. Students will also learn how psychologists study people in order to better understand, predict, and explain behavior.

*Course Content 
                To examine psychology, students will cover several units. Each unit will last about 2 weeks. The sequence for the units will be as follows:
1.       Introduction… history, approaches, and methods
a.       Chapter 1
b.      Chapter 2
2.       Biological Bases of Behavior… studies of the brain, the nervous system, the endocrine system, nature vs. nurture, and states of consciousness
a.       Chapter 3
b.      Chapter 6
3.       Sensation and Perception
a.       Chapter 4
4.       Cognition… studies of memory, thinking, classical and operant conditioning, and intelligence
a.       Chapter 7
b.      Chapter 8
c.       Chapter 9
5.       Motivation and Emotion… drives and instincts, incentives, social learning, love, and stress
a.       Chapter 5
b.      Chapter 16
6.       Developmental Psychology… infancy and childhood through adolescence, to adulthood and later life, as well as gender differences
a.       Chapter 10
b.      Chapter 11
c.       Chapter 12
d.      Chapter 13
7.       Personality… psychoanalytic theory, trait theory, humanistic approaches, behavioral theories, biological studies, and personality assessments
a.       Chapter 14
b.      Chapter 15
8.       Abnormal Psychology… history and definition, types of disorders, treatments and therapy… students will be introduced to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM)
a.       Chapter 17
b.      Chapter 18
9.       Social Psychology… studies on conformity, compliance and obedience, group dynamics, aggression, and organization behavior
a.       Chapter 19
b.      Chapter 20

*Learning Activities
                Students will be exposed to a variety of learning experiences in this course, including multiple research projects, projects, readings, lectures and note-taking, video clips, quizzes, and tests. Students will also have several mini writing assignments, requiring them to read, analyze, and write about an article a psychological journal article.

                All assessments and assignments are worth 100 points. However, the work is weighted differently. Students will spend a great deal of time in class working in cooperative learning groups completing article summaries, lab and projects, and analyzing psychological studies. As a result, please note classwork and labs/projects make up 50% of the overall grade. It is crucial students work diligently in class to earn full credit.  Students’ grade will be compromised from the following:
I am available for tutoring after school Tuesday through Thursday from 2:15 to 3:00. There will be a study session the day before every exam in the class. Students are highly encouraged to attend. Parents and students are encouraged to call or e-mail me with any concerns at any time. Students are encouraged to study a minimum of ten minutes every night.

*Student Responsibilities
Students are required to bring necessary utensils to class and participate in all activities.  Students are required to respect one another, themselves, and any adult in the room. Violations will be dealt with swiftly and firmly. This includes, but is not limited to, language, tardiness, cheating, individual conduct, and bullying. Students are responsible for making up any work they missed while absent. Work will be found in a designated bin in the classroom. Students are asked to refer to the MHS Honor Philosophy/Code and Honor Pledge. Cheating on any exam will result in a zero on the exam in addition to standard school/county disciplinary action.

The following is the discipline procedure for violations to FCPS’s code of conduct or classroom rules.
1.       Verbal warning
2.       Verbal warning, phone call home
3.       Phone call home/teacher detention
4.       Phone call home/referral

**Severity ClauseA student will be sent to the office with a referral for class disruptions or endangering self or others.