
Welcome to Ms. Brennan's general psychology blog! Here you will find basic text copies of the assignments we have completed in class. You can also find helpful links to outside resources and review exercises for tests!

About Me

Hello. My name is Jen Brennan. I have a B.S.E. in Secondary Social Studies Education and a M.S. in HR/Educational Leadership. My favorite subjects to learn and teach include psychology, sociology, early American history, and medieval European history.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Updated Locations!

Please find a newly updated form for our class. Look under "Assignments" to find classwork, cloze notes, study guides and lab instructions.

Do not work ahead! Many assignments are done in class-working ahead denies you the benefits of the in class discussion and working with your cooperative learning groups. This is a tool for students who have been absent or have lost or forgotten their materials, as well as for parents to see what is going on in the classroom