
Welcome to Ms. Brennan's general psychology blog! Here you will find basic text copies of the assignments we have completed in class. You can also find helpful links to outside resources and review exercises for tests!

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Hello. My name is Jen Brennan. I have a B.S.E. in Secondary Social Studies Education and a M.S. in HR/Educational Leadership. My favorite subjects to learn and teach include psychology, sociology, early American history, and medieval European history.

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Unit 8 Assignments

Unit 8, Chapter 17and 18 Cloze Notes/Guided Readings
The Nature of Mental Disorders
  1.5 million people are currently hospitalized for                                                  illness or disturbances
  Between                              and                        million people annually seek help for a mental disturbance
  True or false: mentally ill people are more likely to be violent than mentally healthy people?                                      
Causes of Mental Disorders
  Biological factors
  Sociocultural background
  Life stressors/circumstances
  Personality traits
Definitions of Abnormal Behavior
  Take a few minutes to summarize the three criteria of abnormal behavior, suggesting a person may need psychological help. In addition, are other indicators of mental disturbance?
  Other indicators include: inflexibility, seeing the world as threatening
Types of Mental Disorders and Impairments
  Childhood disorders: conditions that are almost always diagnosed in                                                        that can last a lifetime or a few years
  Anxiety Disorders: disorders where the major symptom (                                            ) prevents an individual from functioning normally
  Somatoform Disorders: psychological issues are expressed in                                                                                                      in the absence of any real physical problem
  Dissociative Disorders: disorders in which                              of a part of one’s life becomes                                                                
from other parts
  Mood Disorders: Disorders characterized by                                                        states
  Psychotic Disorders: severe mental disorder that may involve                                     thought processes, hallucinations,                                                                                 , and major problems with emotional responses
  Schizophrenic Disorders: psychosis involving disorganized thoughts and                                                                 speech, as well as                                                   and                                                       . This is the most serious disorder.
  Personality Disorders: disorder in which a person has formed a                                   or unpleasant personality
Using your Smart Device or the textbook (pages 506-509) please describe the TWO most common childhood disorders and how it is treated.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD):


ASD, cont.
  Symptoms before diagnosis include lack of emotional responses, tantrums, rocking or spinning to self-soothe, lack of eye contact, lack of speech or “babbling” as infants, self-injury (may lack pain receptors), a need for “sameness” in their environment, attachments to objects, or engaging in echolalia (repeating others)
Anxiety vs Panic
1.       What is anxiety? What is panic?

2.       What kind of physical reactions do people experience during anxiety? Is there anything YOU do in specific when you are feeling anxious (such as before a job interview, before a test, before a major change)?

3.       What is a panic attack and when do they occur?

4.       What is a phobic disorder and HOW is it different than a panic disorder?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  Obsession: an endless preoccupation with a certain                         or                                          
  Compulsion: symptom involving                                               , symbolic, ritualized behavior (                                 )
  Obsessions are the thoughts, compulsions are the acts
  Think of two examples of obsessions and two examples of compulsions.

Why do people become obsessive-compulsive?

Somatoform Disorders
  What are somatoform disorders? What are two examples and what are their symptoms? (page 517)

  How can a person develop conversion disorder? Hypochondria?

Dissociative Disorders
What do people who suffer from dissociative disorders to do their personalities?

  Please take ten minutes to read 518 to 520 or use a Smart Device to explain amnesia, selective forgetting, fugue,  and dissociative identity disorder
  Selective forgetting:
  Dissociative identity disorder:
Mood Disorders
  Characterized by emotional states
Please use pages 520-525 to answer the following questions. Your group will be responsible for answering one question, and you will present the information to the class via the overhead.
1.       What is dysthymic disorder? How common is it?
2.       What are symptoms of major depression? How long does it last?

3.       What are several symptoms of mania? What is “flight of ideas”?

4.       What kinds of mood swings would someone from bipolar suffer from? What other symptom may appear in someone who is bipolar?

5.       What are some triggers of depression? What is learned helplessness?

6.       What effect does serotonin have on the brain?

7.       What are some risk factors for serious depression and suicide?

Psychotic Disorders
  Severe mental disorder that may involve disorganized thought processes, hallucinations, delusions, and major problems with emotional responses
  Disorganized thought process:  inability to think or speak in a                                       way
  Hallucinations: the act of                                               something that is clearly                               there
  Delusion: a                                           is something that is clearly                           true
  Emotion problems:                          of emotion or                                                    emotions at times (laughing at a tragic event)
Schizophrenic Disorders:
  A psychosis involving                                                       thoughts and                                    ,                                                                speech (word salad) or                                   speech (rhyming words together for the sake of rhyming), as well as hallucinations and delusions
  Text Box: Types of SchizophreniaThree types: catatonic, paranoid, and undifferentiated. Please define them below.

Catatonic                                                                 Paranoid                                                             Undifferentiated

Schizophrenic episodes
  Schizophrenics do have periods of                                            and relative                                                       .
  There unusual behavior takes place during                                                                                          , where they are experiencing the hallucinations, delusions, and garbled speech.
Factors of Schizophrenia
  Environment: only plays a role is a                                                             exists
  Hereditary: Greater chance of developing schizophrenia is an                                                      family member has it
  Chemicals:                                                           levels are abnormally: think about when you are excited or having a debate, words fly quickly.
Pause for reflection: What effect does dopamine have on the brain in schizophrenics?
Personality Disorders
  Antisocial Personality Disorder
  Borderline Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
  A                                                              is a person who has antisocial personality disorder
  Person understands social rules and norms, but does not                            
  While rare, this is the most                                                                           psychological disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
  Marked by                                                           emotions and relationships,                                                        on others, and manipulative, self-destructive behavior.
Treatments and Therapy for Psychological Disorders
Types of Mental Health Workers
  Counseling Psychologists: deal mostly with problems not fitting into a formal                                                       of mental disturbance
  Clinical Psychologist: deals with                                                                  problems of any kind, including those fitting into the formal classifications of mental disturbances
  Psychiatrist:                                         doctors who special training in mental                                                                  
  Psychiatric social workers: help                                                   and                                                        deal with problems
  Psychiatric nurses: registered nurses with special education in                                                                    medicine
Types of Therapies
  Psychotherapies: broad term for any method used to help people with                                                                  and psychological problems. There are                            major types of therapy.
  Psychoanalytic Treatment
  Humanistic Therapy
  Behavioral Therapy
  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  Group Therapy
  Biomedical Therapies
Poster Tour of Therapies-you will count off by sixes. Your group will create a poster on a type of therapy and present it to the class. However, as a guideline, you must be able to answer the questions listed below. Make sure you discuss in detail what your therapy is and its advantages. When you present, the class will be answering these questions. You may use the textbook (pages 540-558) and a Smart Device. It is highly recommended you use both, if possible.
Psychoanalytic Treatment
1.       What is psychoanalysis?

2.       What techniques are used? Explain them.

3.       In what cases is psychoanalysis used?

Humanistic Therapy
1.       What is humanistic therapy?

2.       What techniques are used? Explain them.

3.       How is humanistic therapy useful?

Behavioral Therapy
1.       What is behavioral therapy?

2.       What techniques are used? Explain them.

3.       How is behavioral therapy different from other therapies?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
1.       What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

2.       Who was Albert Ennis?

3.       What are the various aspects that accompany cognitive behavioral therapy? (RET, IR, IS, A)

Group Therapy
1.       What is group therapy?

2.       What two techniques are used in group therapy? Explain them.

3.       How can group therapy be more beneficial than individual therapy?

Biomedical Therapies
1.       What are the three types of biomedical therapies?

2.       Why would a person choose to have shock therapy?

3.       Why would a person have psychosurgery?

Please continue to the other side to complete the questions that follow.
Pausing for Thought
Using this information your peers have presented, please answer the following questions independently. Rely on the information you received from them first; then, if you need, you may use a Smart Device or the book (pages 540-558).
1.       What is the goal of psychoanalysis and how does it work?

2.       What are some ways therapists (and people in general) show they are actively listening?

3.       What kind of characteristics should therapists have?

4.       Why is humanistic therapy considered to be “person-centered”? 

5.       What is something you would use the behavioral method of therapy for?

6.       What techniques do cognitive therapists use?

7.       Which method would be most effective in treating depression? In eliminating phobias?

8.       What do the different therapies all have in common?

9.       What is a major benefit of group therapy?

10.   Can drug therapies be effective?

11.   Which therapy, of all you learned about today, do you feel is the most effective?

Psychological Disorders Project                                Due Date:                           
This project required you to research a psychological disorder and teach the class about it. This is quite a large project: you will have three days to research and begin your project, which will be in a Power Point or Prezzie format. Because you have three days of class to research, as an extended time period to create the final product, the expectations are high. Your classmates will be relying on you to deliver thorough and accurate information about the psychological disorder you have been assigned to. Your presentation must be done in a professional manner, complete with graphics, images, animations, and transitions. (Think about the presentations YOU have seen throughout your high school career from your instructors.) You presentation MUST have at least 5 images at a bare minimum.                                                                                               You MAY NOT USE ANY OF THE PEOPLE/CHARACTERS WE DISCUSSED IN CLASS!!!!!
Area of Info
Point Value
 (150 total)
My score and teacher comments
Name of disorder, definition, and symptoms
30 points

Causes, progression, and treatment
30 points

History of the disorder
15 points

Who is most often affected (gender, age groups, etc) and how frequent is the disorder? (1 out of every # of people)
10 points

Famous person with disorder and brief background (required image)
10 points

Fictional character with this disorder and brief background (required image)
10 points

Activity for audience to participate in (you must create)
15 points

Transitions/animations / Minimum of five images and graphics
(No Clip-art)
10 points

Spelling/Grammar (less than three errors)
10 points

Presentation of project (Confident, knowledgeable, prepared) (8 points) AND turned in this sheet! (2 points)
10 points