
Welcome to Ms. Brennan's general psychology blog! Here you will find basic text copies of the assignments we have completed in class. You can also find helpful links to outside resources and review exercises for tests!

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Hello. My name is Jen Brennan. I have a B.S.E. in Secondary Social Studies Education and a M.S. in HR/Educational Leadership. My favorite subjects to learn and teach include psychology, sociology, early American history, and medieval European history.

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Unit 1 Assignments

Chapter 1: Learning Goals of Vocab
Directions: Use your textbook to complete the definitions below. (pages)

1.       What is the definition of psychology?

2.       What is a theory?

3.       What are the main differences between research (basic) and applied psychologists?

4.       When was Charles Darwin’s theory first published? Why was the theory important?

5.       Who is considered the father of psychology?  Why is 1879 an important year?

6.       What is introspection? What are some limitations of introspection? Why was it important?

7.       What were Sigmund Freud’s main theories about personality?

8.       According to William James, how should you go about studying the human experience? In what major way did he contribute to psychology?

9.       What field most interested John Watson? What practical contributions did he offer the world?

10.   Explain eclecticism.

11.   What four critical thinking steps could one use when evaluation some claim?

12.   What are several occupational possibilities for psychologists? What is the main function of each?

Complete this organizer by naming the six major approaches to studying psychology today. Include a BRIEF summary of each.

Bio-psychological Approach
Psychoanalytical Approach
Behavioral Approach
Sociocultural Approach
Humanistic Approach
Cognitive Approach


The Field of Psychology: The Men Who made it Possible
Directions:  In the space provided, describe the contributions made by each of the following people to the development of psychology.
History of Psychology
Wilhelm Wundt

Sigmund Freud

William James

John B. Watson

Charles Darwin


Approaches of Present Day Psychology
Directions: As a class, we will define each approach to the study of psychology, as well as the psychologists who are associated with the approach. In addition, write the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Approaches of Present-Day Psychology
Bio-psychological Approach



Psychoanalytical Approach



Behavioral Approach



Approaches of Present-Day Psychology
Cognitive Approach



Sociocultural Approach



Humanistic Approach




Case Study: Kerry Bennett
Kerry Bennett is a sixteen year old junior at Westdale High School. Throughout the year, she has maintained a 3.8 grade point average, on a 4.0 scale. One day, she and the class are informed by their Latin teacher that they will have a test the following morning. Kerry has only been able to do her nightly homework that is due the next day because her mother has been ill, and Kerry is responsible for cooking dinner and cleaning up after, helping her brother with her homework, and taking care of the family dog, in addition to the rest of the household chores, including cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Kerry must also look after her little brother. He resents this and often disobeys her, and has now withdrawn from their once close and loving relationship, which upsets her. One the same day that Kerry learns of her test, her father informs her that her mother was taken to the hospital and is having open heart surgery the next day. Kerry’s father insists she goes to school because of the Latin test, but will be permitted to sign out of the school after to see her mother for a few minutes before she goes into surgery. When Kerry arrives to her Latin class the day after the test, she learns she scored a D on the exam. This is her first D ever. She feels overwhelmed and discouraged. She becomes depressed and doesn’t know what to do.
After reading this passage, choose any three of the six psychological approaches discussed to examine Kerry’s problem and offer possible solutions.

end of assignment

Unit 1 Exam Review Sheet
1.       Explain the term “psychology”

2.       What is introspection? What is eclectism?

3.       Explain the MAJOR contribution to the field of psychology made by Charles Darwin.

4.       What is a theory and why is it useful?

5.       What does a research psychologist do? An applied psychologist? A clinical psychologist?

6.       Explain Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis.

7.       Explain the following approaches.
A.      Bio-psychological Approach
B.      Behavioral Approach
C.      Humanistic Approach
D.      Psychoanalytical Approach
E.       Cognitive Approach
F.       Sociocultural Approach

8.       Identify the MAJOR contributions made by: Freud, Wundt, Watson, James, Darwin

9.       What is a hypothesis?

10.   Explain the difference between a dependent variable and an independent variable

11.   In an experiment, what is a control group? An experimental group?

12.   What is a placebo?

13.   What is the difference between a (single) blind study and a double blind study?

14.   Explain the following methods of gathering data.
A.      Cross-sectional Study
B.      Longitudinal Study
C.      Naturalistic Observation
D.      Psychological test

E.       Case-study Method                 


Case Studies
Directions: Now that we have thoroughly reviewed approaches of present-day psychology, you must apply them to different scenarios. Read each situation below. Using the six approaches below, describe how a psychologist from each approach would view the following situation. Choose ONE situation from the three. See the “Analyzing Your Neighbor” section in chapter one of your text for ideas if necessary. 

Situation 1: Penny Sue has been feeling depressed lately and she’s been suffering frequent migraine headaches. For the past six months, she has been seeing a man from a different religious background than hers. That doesn’t bother Penny, but she is afraid that her family, who has never been tolerant of others’ views, will not understand. In fact, if her family does not approve, she doesn’t know if she will have the courage to continue to date this man without her family’s approval.

Situation 2: Jane was a member of the girls’ soccer team during her freshmen and sophomore years, but did not get to play in many games. She worked hard and believed she was improving, but her coach never seemed to notice.  As a result, as a junior, she did not try out for the team. Her friends, who did get a great deal of playing time, were disappointed and tried to convince her to join again. She told them it was no use; she has worked hard for two years and had nothing to show for it.  For weeks, they tried to persuade her to join. Finally, she made a deal with them. She would join the team for the first few weeks and if she got to play in any games, she would remain on the team.

Situation 3: Mr. Potter had been teaching English for seven years. When he started he would assign homework every night and return it the next day. After a few years, the quality of the work began to deteriorate and he began to doubt his ability to motivate his students. As a result, it took longer and longer to return assignments. By his sixth year, he pretty much stopped assignment homework altogether. This led to an even greater sense of failure. Now, in his seventh year, he wonders what he should do with his life if he resigns from teaching.

Situation #

Bio-psychological Approach
Behavioral Approach-
Psychoanalytical Approach-
Humanistic Approach-
Cognitive Approach-
Sociocultural Approach-


What is Psychology?
 The scientific study of mental processes and behavior
 Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist
 psychologist evaluates, diagnoses, treats, and studies behavior and mental processes. Usually has a Master’s or Doctorate degree.
 A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (MD) trained in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses.
Free Will and Behaviorism
 B.F. Skinner argued that all behavior is the result of learning and associations. He also stated there is no such thing as                                                           
 The Placebo Effect
 The idea that condition or ailment is “                                                  ” by the power of                                           
 50% of pain is “cured” by the power of suggestion
 Placebos are often used in new                                                                 trials.
 In most medicine trials, there are two groups of people: the first group getting the real medicine (called an experiment group) and second group, who are actually getting a placebo (the control group)
 Blind study: the                                                 knows which group is getting the medication and which group is not
 Double-Blind Study                                                       the scientist interacting with the patients nor the actual patients know who is getting what form of medicine
The Subjects of an Experiment
 The people or animals on whom an experiment is conducts are called                                                    .
 Experimental group: the group on which the                                                       part of the experiment is performed.
 Control group: the group that does not                                                                  in the critical part of the experiment.
 Sample: a group that                                                       a larger group
 Hypothesis: statement of the                                                     the experimenter                                                          
 Variables: factors that                                                    during an experiment
 Independent variable: factor that the experimenter                                                       or changes in a study
 Dependent variable: the factor in a study that changes or varies as a                                       of the independent variable

Independent/Dependent Factors
 Identify the independent and dependent variables in each scenario below.
  1. Students score higher on the SATs in the morning than in the afternoon.
IV-                                                                                          DV:        
  1. People who wear uniforms will receive greater obedience than those who do not
IV-                                                                                          DV:        
  1. Strict parents raise children who rarely get it trouble
IV-                                                                                            DV:      
When conducting a Study
 Beware of factors that could interfere with the study, such as age, gender, medical history, personal values and overall attitude.
 Research can be conducted in a laboratory setting or in a                                                                              , which is when research takes place outside the laboratory.
 Example: if I was going to study the effects of jet lag, I would do my research in the airports and airplane, as well as follow up with passengers doing normal activities within the following days.
 1. What is a placebo and what effect does it have on the body? Why is it used?

 2. What is a double blind study?

 3. Why is it important to guard against hidden or unexpected variables?

 4. What is the difference between a dependent and independent variable?

 5. What are field studies?

 6. What is the difference between an experimental group and a control group?