
Welcome to Ms. Brennan's general psychology blog! Here you will find basic text copies of the assignments we have completed in class. You can also find helpful links to outside resources and review exercises for tests!

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Hello. My name is Jen Brennan. I have a B.S.E. in Secondary Social Studies Education and a M.S. in HR/Educational Leadership. My favorite subjects to learn and teach include psychology, sociology, early American history, and medieval European history.

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Unit 5 Assignments

Unit 5 Cloze Notes
Motivation and Emotion
*         Pituitary Gland: the “Master Gland” –controls all other glands and                                            , as well as producing the growth hormone
*         Adrenal Gland: gland that secretes                                          , which in turn increases heart rate, perspiration, breathing, etc.
*         What are some situations that could result in the adrenal gland being activated?

*         What could happen if a person’s pituitary gland was not functioning properly?

Take a moment to answer the following questions. Use page 127 of your textbook. We will go over the answers.
  1. What are gonads?

  1. Explain the function of ovaries and testes.

  1. Explain the difference between androgen and estrogen.
Psychology and Food
*         Food should never be used as a                                               
*         As children, food intake must be monitored
*         If not, food can take on an abnormal and dominant control of a person’s life, even up through adulthood.
*         Fat cells are stored up for our body to use in case of                                       
*         Our bodies are 70% water
*         Unlike fat cells, there are              extra water cells
*         Why do we feel thirsty?
*         There are units in our body that keep track of the number of water cells surrounding the                                          . When that number gets low, the desire for water increases.
*         What is a food that makes you thirsty?                                                                                                                 
*                                                          motive: a drive that moves a person a seek new and different things
*                                                          motive: a drive that moves a person to handle and use objects in the environment.
*         Why do higher functioning animals and humans have these motives?

As a class, we will read aloud “The Need for Stimulation” and answer the following questions
*         1. What is contact comfort?

*         2. Why is contact comfort physiologically necessary?

*         3. What devastating consequences can result from a lack of contact comfort?

*         4. What did Harry Harlow’s monkey study show?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
*         Using your smart phones or your book (pages 140-141) identify the following “learned” psychological needs.
*          Need for Affiliation:

*         Need for Approval:

*         Need for Achievement:

*         A natural instinctive                         of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
*         Take a moment to answer these questions:
*         How can you recognize an emotion?                                                                                                                                                      
*         Can you think of a condition where a person might not be able to recognize the moods of other people, or even within themselves?                                                                                                                                                                                       
*         Humans express themselves in                                                                  and                                                        ways
*         Think of examples where people use symbols to show their  emotions, in a positive or negative way
*         People throughout the world share basic emotions, such as                        , despair, fear, and                                         
*         Basic facial gestures also remain                                                               
*         Cultural facial expressions of happiness, sadness, anger, and disgust tend to remain universal
*         However,                             and                                        can be difficult to distinguish among different cultures
*         Cognition: higher order                                                                  processes such as reasoning and problem solving
*         Cognition and emotion go hand in hand
*         Can you think of how cognition will play a role in your emotional responses?                                                                      
Opponent Process Theory
*         The presence of one emotion triggers the opposite, which eventually emerges
*         Can you think of any examples?

*         Situational cues: clues in                                                                to determine how we should react
Emotional Intelligence
*         The ability to properly deal fee, deal with, and recognize emotions
*         Take a few minutes and list the three parts of emotional intelligence. Provide an example for each!
*         1. Emotional Self-Awareness:

*         2. Managing and harnessing emotions:

*         3. Empathy:

Use your smart phones or textbooks, page 149-150 to define these theories
*         James-Lange Theory

*         Cannon-Bard Theory

*         Schachter’s Cognitive Theory

Conflict, Stress, and Coping
*         Frustration: the process by which we are blocked or                                                        from reaching goals
*         Conflict: A problem that demands a choice between                                                      
*         What are the four types of conflict? List them below and explain what they mean



Psychological Defense Mechanisms: Group Work
1.       What are defense mechanisms?

2.       When do we use these defense mechanisms and is it normal to use them? Do we always know if we are using them?

3.       Complete the table as follows. Explain what each means and give an example of a situation where it might be used. Use your textbook (page 478) to explain what each mechanism means. However, you may use your Smart Device to come up with a situation for each, as well as your imagination or personal experience (you don’t need to say it a personal experience!)
Defense Mechanism





Reaction Formation


Identification with aggressor




Which of these is the only healthy defense mechanism?


Guided Reading, Ch 5-motivation and emotion
1.       How do symbols affect motivation and emotion?

2.       Explain the difference between motivation and emotion.

3.       How do different regions of the brain affect motivation and emotion?

4.       What happens when we are hungry? What happens when we are full? What part of the brain controls this?

5.       What could happen if a person damaged their “stop-eating” center? What is your opinion of the ethics involved concerning the rat on page 125?

6.       What part of the brain is responsible for aggression and fear? What can happen when this is damaged?

7.       What is the reticular activating system and what does it do? Think of an event where your RAS would be activated and an event where it would not be activated.


Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                  Date                     
Stress and Anxiety
Use your textbooks and smart phones to answer the following questions (starting page 462)
1.       What is anxiety and when does it occur? List three physical symptoms of anxiety.

2.       What is stress? When does stress arise?

3.       Explain the difference between eustress and distress. What determines whether a stress is eustress or distress?

4.       What are some physical responses caused by stress? Identify three situations that may cause stress.

5.       What is the general adaption syndrome? What three stages make up the general adaption syndrome?

6.       How can stress affect the immune system? How does being optimistic affect the immune system?

7.       What other impacts on your physical well-being can stress have?